Friday, May 25, 2012

Business Travel Security

Ever since September 11th, the travel industry has changed around the world and whether your travel is intended for private or business purposes travel security is a major concern for everyone. The stark reality of it all is that travelers no longer have that feeling of being secure as they used to. While a big concern for travel security is the airline aspect of it, there are other issues of business travel that can affect businessmen and women.
Business travel is necessary for a v`riety of reasons and it is with this in mind that travel security has become such an important issue with companies that send their representatives to different parts of the world. Whether it is to get their foot into the door of a developing country or to increase business ties with established businesses that they already deal with, business travel will likely be here to stay.
Although a traveling salesman may not look like a "mark" to the average person, to the trained eye many salesmen do actually stand out. First of all they usually travel alone and without any concern for travel security, otherwise the likelihood of them dressing flashy and working in full view with their laptop for all to see would probably diminish. A more toned down approach may be a bit more advisable for these frequent fliers.
When considering travel security businessmen and women should be especially concerned about present crime rates in the country they are on the way to do business with. The criminal element is not always about muggings and other forms of robberies, it should also take into consideration the political climate they could be facing. In the past business associates have faced the wrath of a stray bullet or two just because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
With the increase of businesswomen entering the fray further issues of sexual harassment or other criminal activities have been added to the equation. Women traveling alone are easy targets for purse snatching and or sexual assaults. While travel security should be considered when the businessperson is en route, further care should be taken for their property that is left behind in hotel rooms as they venture out to meet their clients. Always secure your property in a safe.
While the average business traveler may not have serious travel security issues to think about, other than bodily harm, theft, abduction, kidnapping and the like, espionage has yet to be discussed. The theft of business information is becoming much easier with the amount of information being transferred around on a laptop. Besides its monetary value, depending on who you work for, your laptop can be a virtual goldmine to the right group of people.

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